A sustainable community, based on a spirit of friendship, where everybody can
feel valued and supported’
‘To build links between groups, families and individuals and to reach out and
provide a range of services to encourage a community where everybody is
valued and supported’
‘Dunmanway Family Resource Centre recognises that equality is an issue at all levels of Irish society (national, regional, local and community). This is a concern for community development, which seeks to address poverty and inequality. We commit ourselves to examining our own ethos so that equality is central to our practice in the internal and external actions, processes and tasks we undertake in relation to all areas of our work.
We commit to equality in the manner in which jobs are advertised, person specifications are prepared and recruitment and interview processes are conducted by this project. Our organisation will develop a number of policies and guidelines which demonstrate our commitment to developing and promoting equal opportunities and anti- discriminatory practice. We commit to reviewing and equality proofing all of our actions relating to the work of this project.’
‘We, at Dunmanway Family Resource Centre commit ourselves to working together to maintain a centre environment that encourages and supports the right to dignity at work. All who enter here are expected to respect the right of each individual to dignity in the centre. All will be treated equally and respected for their individuality and diversity.
Bullying in any form is not accepted by Dunmanway Family Resource Centre and will not be tolerated. Our policies and procedures will underpin the principles and objectives of this Charter.’